You Need To Get Lost Before You Get Found (One Last Night with A Rocket To The Moon)
6:15 PM
I wrote this on August 27, 2013, 2 days after the best concert of my liiiife, and posted it on Facebook. I figured I don't want this to be piled under loads of crossed-instagram posts on my timeline because they've been (and still are) a very big part of my life. Well, for some of you this is just a long and boring post crying over a band breaking up (but really, they're not just some band!!). Read at your own risk.
It was early January this year, my playlist was on shuffle mode when A Rocket To The Moon's Like We Used To came up. It was one of those times when you discover a band, singer or anything that hits you right smack in the heart. I got hooked and basically downloaded their whole discography. My heart broke when I learned that they already went to the Philippines for Liv5 on Feb 2012. Two months later this year they released their sophomore album, Wild & Free. I was really hoping for them to come back here to promote their album but roughly 2 months after the success of their album, they announced that they're breaking up ( I didn't know what and how to react to that but a part of me was glad that they "want everyone who wants to see them to get the chance" ( to see them play one last time. I checked their tour sched and of course Manila wasn't included since it's only a US Tour. But awesome people from the awesome ARTTM fanbase in our country did a twitition. To cut the story short, ARTTM specifically asked Sir Vernon (Pres. of PULP Live World) to be part of the Bazooka Rocks Festival line up!!! Who does that even?!

After months of waiting, the day finally came. My energy was at the lowest before their set due to All Time Low's crazy, intense and insert-all-other-hyper-adjectives-here mosh pit, to the point that you felt like dying since all the people around you were pushing you to all sorts of direction. But yeah, I survived and when it was ARTTM's set, we managed to be in front, like at the 5th row. I've waited for this for months and I was so prepared to cry to any of their songs but, surprisingly, I didn't. I was on the verge of crying when the crowd was shouting "DON'T DISBAND" and when Nick Santino cried, though ahhhhh~ But Nick was like "Tell you what, Manila. We're gonna come back someday and we're gonna play more songs for you, is that alright?". I was jumping, singing and shouting all throughout their set and, honestly, I really don't know where I got all my energy from. I just know that they deserved all the love and support they got from the fans that night. Dakota and Mr. Right was the craziest!!! But my favorite was when Nick messed up the lyrics of Annabelle, since they haven't played it in awhile, and he just laughed it off. Halvo was being the usual Halvo- cute and talkative and was taking lots of selfies with the crowd. Had the set ended with Like We Used To, Somebody Out There or any of their emotional love songs, I would have cried buckets. They played Mr. Right, though, and wanted the crowd to just jump and enjoy throughout the song. Ahhh, I just love them!!!

With only 4 hours of sleep, I woke up at 6:30 am the day after BRF and that was when all the feeeeels started to sink in. I witnessed the last show of A Rocket To The Moon in Manila and I thought that was it, there will be no more ARTTM in a few days after their show in Boston. I went home and told my sister all the details about BRF and when it came to the highlight (which was ARTTM's set, for me), my tears started to fall and I broke down. It was bound to happen, anyway. I never cried over a band until ARTTM, and that's saying a lot since I cry really easily.
I want to stop writing already since my tears won't stop falling. I'm sorry if this is just one long, boring post for you. I just really needed to write down all my feelings one last time so I can finally move on with my life. Give them 2-3 years to "step away and clear their heads" ( and they'll be back in Manila in no time. I'm sure of it. They're looking forward to "a couple thousand kids in the Philippines" ( who would be there, remember?
Here's to the future of staying Wild & Free! Now, where to find a boyfriend as perfect as them? HAHA